"To me, mental health recovery means; finding FREEDOM in 'safe-space' expression."
~Stacey Lyddon
Every year artist, Stacey Lyddon raises Mental Health Awareness & funds in Kansas in some community capacity. In years past, she has been a NAMI volunteer, NAMIWalk Manager, Development Director, and NAMI Program Leader.
~ 2023 ~

NAMIWalks Kansas 5k
We are asking for your support and participation in the NAMIWalks Kansas. This event is a nationwide movement that brings together likeminded supporters who are determined to reach one goal -- Mental Health for All. Join us as we step into NAMIWalks Kansas 2023, which promises to be our most meaningful event ever. It’s a new day for mental health, and we will embrace it together on May 20, 2023. Topeka West High School, located at 21st and Fairlawn.